To my oldest friend

Created by Avril 27 days ago

I first met Trish when my family moved to the house opposite hers in Ashurst Wood, when I was eight. She was 18 months older than me but it was great to have a playmate living so near. We both went to the local primary school where she seemed so much more knowledgeable about the world than me and full of wise, caring advice.

Our spare time consisted of long walks with heart-to-heart chats, cycle rides in the days when kids were in little danger on quiet country roads, and musical evenings (we both loved singing) with her mum Kath playing the piano. We went to different senior schools and then Trish followed her caring nature into the world of nursing while I went to university and then into a comparatively frivolous career in journalism. But we kept in touch and it was great to share in major life events such as our weddings, the arrival of children and even their children's weddings.

We didn't see as much of each other as life became ever busier and although I knew she hadn't been well her death came as a huge shock. I am still trying to process it. She was one of life's truly good people and very precious, and has left us too soon. She was always such a stable and valued element in my life, as she was when we were young, and I will always miss her.